


RM65.00 RM49.00

SKU: LIVAsential Category:

Comprising the extracts of Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Phyllanthus, Picrorrhiza, Schizandra and Artichoke, Live-well LIVAsential is a 6-in-1 herbal formula which is traditionally used to promote liver health.

MAL 05032663T


  • Description
  • Specifications

Comprising the extracts of Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Phyllanthus, Picrorrhiza, Schizandra and Artichoke, Live-well LIVAsential is a 6-in-1 herbal formula which is traditionally used to promote liver health.

The liver is one of your body’s largest organs and also, one of the most important. It regulates more than 500 specialised functions that are all vital for the healthy functioning of your body.Live well LIVAsential Livewell2u

Some of its more well-known bodily functions include:

• Detoxification of harmful toxic substances
• Filtration of your blood
• Removal of bacteria
• Regulation of chemicals in the blood
• Production of bile
• Breakdown of drugs to be more easily used by your body
• Storage of sugar (glucose) which provides an energy boost whenever your body requires it
• Metabolism and delivery of necessary nutrients to all parts of your body such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

As your liver plays such a fundamental role in your body’s overall regulation,Live well LIVAsential 1 Livewell2u it is of utmost importance to keep your liver in good shape. A healthy liver is essential for good health and wellbeing.

Live-well LIVAsential is a comprehensive formula containing the extracts of Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Phyllanthus, Picrorrhiza, Schizandra and Artichoke that is traditionally used as a liver tonic.
Milk thistle extract is commonly known for its benefits on liver health. Its active ingredients are a group of plant (flavonoid) compounds collectively called silymarin. Live-well LIVAsential’s milk thistle extract contains a high amount of silymarin (80%) which has been concentrated from the milk thistle plant.

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This is a supplement product advertisement. KKLIU 1538/2021 (Ad expiry date: 31 Dec 2023)

Live well LIVAsential 2 Livewell2uWho Will Benefit:

• Those with hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or other liver conditions
• Those with hectic lifestyles
• Those regularly lacking sufficient sleep
• Those who smoke or consume alcohol frequently
• Those consume high-fat food regularly



• To promote and ensure good liver health


Pack Size(s):

• 60 Liqfil Capsules


How to take:

• Take 1 capsule 2-3 times daily after meals or as professionally recommended
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Active Ingredient Per Capsule Strength
Milk Thistle Std. Ext
(Std. to contain 80% Silymarin)
50 mg
Dandelion Std. Ext
(Std. to contain 10% Taxasterols)
50 mg
Phyllanthus Std. Ext
(Std. to contain min. 3% Bitter Principles)
25 mg
Picrorrhiza Std. Ext
(Std. to contain 4% kutkin)
37.5 mg
Schizandra Std. Ext
(Std. to contain 2% total Schizandrins)
50 mg
Artichoke Std. Ext
(Std. to contain min. 3% Caffeoylquinic Acid)
50 mg

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